
Magnesium Chrome Zircon Brick | Magnesium Chrome Zircon Brick

Magnesia chrome brick main component are magnesium oxide (MgO) and chromium oxide (Cr2O3) , main mineral component are periclase and spinel.

Magnesium chrome brick has high refractoriness, high temperature strength, resistance to alkaline slag erosion resistance, excellent thermal stability, also as some adaptability to acidic slag. The main raw material for manufacturing magnesium chromium brick are sintered magnesia and chromite.

Purity of magnesia raw materials need to be as high as possible, requires on chromite chemical composition: Cr2O3: 30 ~ 45%, CaO: ≤1.0 ~ 1.5%.

Magnesia chrome brick

The chrome corundum bricks made by Zhengzhou Jinshi Refractories Co., Ltd. use corundum and fused oxide chrome as the main raw material, together with the powder and other additives, and treated by mixing, molding, drying, firing at shuttle kiln.

Chrome corundum bricks are with features of wear-resistant, heat shock, acid and alkali erosion. High chromium brick (Cr2O390%) is mainly used in coal chemical industry, chemical industry kiln, alkali glass fiber furnace, garbage incinerator and other key parts of the kiln; While chrome corundum brick is mainly used for carbon black furnace, copper smelting furnace lining, the glass furnace molten pool, rolling steel furnace slideway and tapping platform.

